Frequently Asked Questions
Public Health Update
Thank you for your patience as we make plans for Summer 2022 while prioritizing the safety of our Freedom Fellows, Freedom Project staff, and our Freedom Summer Collegiate teachers. After two summers of virtual instruction, we believe that we will be able to return to in-person classes in Summer 2022. When we do so, we will follow all public health rules and guidance from the Freedom Projects, such as mask or social distancing requirements. As the application process progresses, we will provide updates to applicants about these rules and guidance. Proof of vaccination will be required in order to participate with Freedom Summer Collegiate.
Application Information
What teaching positions are available?
For this summer we are hiring PhD students and university faculty to design and teach courses as well as Learning Specialists to support our teachers at each Freedom Project. For more information about these positions and our application, please see Teach With Us.
What are the deadlines for the Application? What are the dates for the summer program?
The application timeline, including deadlines, as well as dates for the summer program are listed on the Teach With Us page.
Teaching in Our Program
How many classes will I teach? For how many hours per week?
Each teacher is responsible for developing and teaching one two-hour class per day. One of the ways that we build in extra support for our students is to have a second teacher assisting the lead teacher during the class. So our teachers work across disciplines in pairs with the same group of students, one as the lead teacher and the other as a supporting teacher.
The exact schedule will depend on Freedom Project schedules. For example, you might teach one class from 9am-11am and then be the support teacher for the same students from 12pm-2pm. The total teaching time for each day is 4 hours with a break between the two classes. Our classes run 5 days a week for 4 consecutive weeks.
How many students will I have? What age?
Because we value classroom discussion, our classes are small—no more than 12, usually between 8 and 12. Our students are entering 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.
Will there be additional training for teaching these courses?
Yes, there will be pre-readings and pre-work during the spring and then there will be training at our Orientation Conference in Jackson, MS. It will include: legal/professional responsibilities; curriculum development; engagement strategies; planning for literacy & quantitative reasoning gaps; discussion-leading strategies; and diversity, racial identity development, and inclusiveness conversations. After orientation in Jackson, teachers will have a site-specific orientation with the staff at their placement Freedom Project. Beyond that, there is ongoing observation, feedback, and coaching throughout the summer.
How do Freedom Summer Collegiate and the freedom projects assess Student LEARNING?
We assess learning in a number of ways. Students receive letter grades based on course-specific learning goals and evaluations of course-specific final projects. We work with our teachers to ensure that final projects demonstrate students achieving the high expectations for which we and the Freedom Projects strive. Finally, the Freedom Projects keep track of students’ learning and development over the short- and long-term through consistent student surveys.
I'm an international graduate student. Can I still teach?
Yes. If you are a fit, we'd love to have you teach regardless of where you're from or your student status. There are, however, some restrictions imposed by the federal government on certain graduate student visas. We're happy to talk through these issues and try to find a way for you to participate. Please be in touch if you're interested so that we can discuss.
Living and Working
How much will I earn?
You will receive a $3,000 stipend for your work this summer. The stipend is expected to cover transportation costs to Mississippi and living expenses. Freedom Summer Collegiate will cover the cost of housing during your time this summer. We also work with universities and academic programs to cover this funding for some of our teachers.
Does Freedom Summer Collegiate provide housing?
Once you've been assigned to one of the Freedom Projects, we work with them to secure accommodations for you in communities near where you teach. Depending on where they work, some of our teachers stay in apartment buildings and others share rooms in houses. Freedom Summer Collegiate will pay the cost of housing. We'll also send a survey about housing needs and do our best to find housing that meets those needs.
If you have a car, we encourage you to bring it with you this summer. It will be the best way of getting to and from work, as well as traveling where you want on weekends. If you do not have a car, we will work to ensure that you get to and from work each day, but you'll be dependent on others for social outings.
What are the communities like where I'll teach?
Visit our Where We Work page to learn more about the Rosedale Freedom Project, the Sunflower County Freedom Project, and the Meridian Freedom Project. The first two sites are in the Mississippi Delta; the third is more urban in the small city of Meridian, Mississippi. All of our sites are in economically distressed areas. The Freedom Projects are incredible places where students learn and our students are among the hardest-working teenagers you'll ever meet. We know you'll fall in love with the place and the people.
Want more information or have other questions? Email us at